Purpose, Mission and Guiding Principles
Respect in the Workplace
How We Are Governed
- Our Boards
- Our Committees
Our Directors
- Annual General Meeting
- Governance Responsibilities
- Conflict of Interest
- Evaluation
Our Employees
Pricing and Cost Information
Our Senior Leadership
Our Site Management
Audited Financials
Years In Review
Careers at MPG
Protecting Your Privacy
Feedback and Complaint Process
MPGC Cemetery By-laws
MPGC Corporate By-laws
Performance Evaluation and Compensation
The board of directors evaluates the performance of the board and its committees and chairs every two years. Based on these evaluations, the board determines what, if any, action could improve the board and its committees performance. For individual directors, peer feedback is consolidated and the chair conducts one-on-one conversations with each director regarding his or her performance.
Directors of the Mount Pleasant Group of Cemeteries and Canadian Memorial Services are compensated for their expertise, services and time.