MPG COVID-19 Protocols
The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be the single largest event to occur in our lifetimes challenging the stability of the economy, threatening our health and mental well-being, and adding to the pain and grief of losing a loved one, for so many people in our country. Throughout the pandemic, the situation has been fluid and change has been constant as we adapted processes to operate within the restrictions COVID-19 has imposed. One thing that has not changed is MPG’s commitment to the health and safety of our staff, the families we serve and their guests who participate in the services we conduct, and doing the right thing.
During the pandemic we implemented a vast number of protocols to ensure the safety of staff and the people we serve. As of March 1, 2022, the Province lifted most of its COVID-19 mandates and officially removed the mask mandate, effective March 21, 2022. MPG continues to keep in step with the Province's transition towards pre-pandemic norms. As always, we continue to remain focused on health and safety, and a commitment to good corporate citizenship.
We thank those who we have served, their guests, and all who have visited our locations throughout the pandemic, for their patience and understanding while we were required to restrict our normal services and operational practices.