Making Our Cemeteries Safer, More Beautiful & More Inclusive
At Mount Pleasant Group, we honour and respect the many different ways people commemorate their loved ones. At the same time, our cemeteries are communal spaces that must balance individual expressions of commemoration with a shared adherence to common safety and aesthetic standards, as outlined in our Cemetery Operating By-laws.
Our By-laws aim to ensure that our cemeteries are safe, beautiful spaces for staff, visitors and families, including yours. To that end, we are asking for your cooperation and assistance in ensuring that both the letter and spirit of our By-laws, as approved by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario, are respected and upheld. That includes those provisions that list items not allowed on a grave or in areas adjacent to graves (e.g. “Prohibited Articles”).
What items are not allowed on a grave or in areas adjacent to a grave?
- Chairs, arches, unapproved benches, umbrellas or trellises
- Fences, railing, patio stones, brick or marble
- Stones and rocks around or at the base of a monument (although small stones and rocks placed on top of monuments are permitted)
- Clay, ceramic, glass or breakable items of any kind
- Temporary memorials or signage not pre-approved in writing by the cemetery
- Any articles or plantings that are placed outside of a grave’s designated planting area.
We kindly ask that any items that do not align with our By-laws be removed by no later than July 1, 2025. After this date, any remaining items will be removed by the cemetery. We will hold prohibited articles removed from graves for a period of 60 days (or until September 1, 2025), during which time they may be claimed by contacting the local cemetery office. After that date, the articles will be disposed of without further notice.
We appreciate your understanding as we work together to maintain a safe, respectful and beautiful space for all to enjoy.
By-laws Related to Making Our Cemeteries Safer, More Beautiful & More Inclusive
6.0 Articles Placed on Lots and Graves
6.1 General
The Cemetery is committed to supporting a broad array of religious and ethnic preferences and strives to create a respectful and dignified resting place for the multicultural communities that we serve.
Permitted articles must be placed within the designated planting area of the lot, or grave, as defined in By-laws 5.2 – 5.8 respectively.
The Cemetery reserves the right to regulate the articles placed on lots or graves that pose a threat to the safety of all Interment Rights Holders, visitors to the Cemetery and cemetery employees, prevent the Cemetery from performing general cemetery operations, or are not in keeping with the dignity and decorum of the Cemetery. Prohibited articles will be removed regularly and disposed of without notification.
To assist Interment Rights Holders, the following is a non-exhaustive list of common types of articles that are prohibited from being placed on lots or graves within the Cemetery:
- Articles made of hazardous materials such as non-heat resistant glass (excludes glass attached to monuments), ceramics or corrosive metals
- Loose stones or sharp objects
- Trellises or arches
- Chairs or benches
- Bird feeders
- Temporary memorials or signage not approved by the Cemetery
Please contact the Cemetery office for clarification prior to purchasing or placing an article on a grave or lot.
6.2 Temporary Wooden Memorials
Interment Rights Holders wishing to temporarily place a wooden memorial on a lot or grave must first visit the Cemetery office and sign a temporary wooden memorial agreement with the Cemetery.
Temporary wooden memorials are permitted on lots or graves for a maximum period of one year from the date of burial and must be located within the memorial space. Any temporary wooden memorial left on lots or graves beyond the one-year period will be removed and disposed of by the Cemetery without notice. Temporary wooden memorials are not permitted on graves or any form of lot or grave if a permanent monument or marker exists on the lot or grave.
Temporary wooden memorials must be constructed of solid wood. Laminated wood materials are not permitted as they deteriorate in inclement weather. If screws or dowels are used as fasteners, they must be set flush with the wood joints and cannot protrude beyond the surface of the wood. The following are the maximum and minimum permissible dimensions for temporary wooden memorials:
- Maximum overall length 152.4cm (60in)
- Maximum height above the ground 106.68cm
- Minimum depth below the ground 45.72cm (18in)
- Maximum overall width 53.34cm (21in)
6.3 Candles, Incense or Flammable Articles
Lighted candles, incense or other flammable articles may be placed on a lot, grave or scattering ground only when attended by an adult. Candle holders must be fully enclosed on all sides by means of a door or lid, and housed within a non-flammable, non-breakable container. Due to their hazardous nature, oil lamps are not permitted at any time. Lighted candles and incense must be extinguished prior to leaving the lot or grave.
Any damage caused by candles, incense or flammable articles is the direct and total responsibility of the Interment Rights Holder(s). The Cemetery does not assume any liability in this regard.
The Cemetery may remove at its sole discretion any such article and dispose of it without notification.
6.4 Borders, Fences and Walls
Plastic PVC edging installed not to exceed 10.16cm (4in) in height above the ground level or recycled rubberized garden edging not exceeding 10.16 (4in) in width and height, is permitted around the perimeter of a prescribed flowerbed as defined in By-laws 5.2 through 5.8 respectively. Total width of edging is included in the total flowerbed size.
In order to facilitate Cemetery maintenance and operations, borders, curbs, coping, fences, railings, walls, ditches, hedges or other articles are not permitted to define the perimeter of a lot, grave, scattering ground or planting area, and will be removed and disposed of by the Cemetery without notification.
6.5 Fresh Cut or Artificial Flowers
Fresh cut or artificial flowers or potted plants must be placed in the designated planting area or in a non-breakable, non-corrosive flower vase adjacent to the memorial. Fresh cut or artificial flowers and potted plants that have become unsightly and empty flower vases that cannot be turned down into the ground in a receptacle will be removed and disposed of by the Cemetery without notification.
6.6 Hanging Baskets
One hanging basket on an undecorated, non-corrosive metal rod is permitted on lots or graves provided they are adjacent to and over-hanging the memorial. Under no circumstances may a hanging basket overhang or infringe on an adjacent lot, grave or scattering ground. Hanging baskets that become unsightly will be removed and disposed of by the Cemetery without notification.
6.7 Memorial Wreaths
Wreaths may be placed in the Cemetery only between November 1 and March 31 of each year. In order to prepare the grounds for spring, wreaths and wreath stands must be removed prior to April 1. Wreaths and wreath stands not removed by April 1 will be removed and disposed of by the Cemetery without notification.
6.8 Responsibility for Articles
Articles placed on lots, graves, scattering grounds, columbarium niches or mausoleum crypts are the sole responsibility of the Interment Rights Holder(s). The Cemetery is not responsible for the loss of or damage to any articles placed within the Cemetery.
Articles left on lots, graves or scattering grounds during the winter months are subject to deterioration and damage and impede Cemetery operations. It is recommended that Interment Rights Holders remove all articles and tokens of remembrance from the lot or grave by November 1 of each year. It is also recommended that items of significant or sentimental value not be left at the interment right.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact